Upgrade sdk to 2.2 on YDL?

Investigation into how Linux on the PS3 might lead to homebrew development.

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Upgrade sdk to 2.2 on YDL?

Post by seanwg »


I've got stock YDL on my PS3. I want to upgrade the SDK to the newer ones:

sean@Sean ~/Downloads % ls -al *rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 sean sean 8816 Mar 21 07:03 elfspe2-2.1.0-0.ppc.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 sean sean 32183 Mar 21 07:04 libspe2-2.1.0-0.ppc64.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 sean sean 40043 Mar 21 07:05 libspe2-devel-2.1.0-0.ppc64.rpm
sean@Sean ~/Downloads %

Is there any easy way todo this on YDL? Reading some of the messages around on the net, a solution is switching to Fedora 6 as sdk2.2 needs new glibc.

Just wondering if there are another solutions...

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Re: Upgrade sdk to 2.2 on YDL?

Post by ldesnogu »

seanwg wrote:Is there any easy way todo this on YDL? Reading some of the messages around on the net, a solution is switching to Fedora 6 as sdk2.2 needs new glibc.
SDK 2.2 is not here yet, you are talking about 2.1.

What I did for libspe2 on my YDL setup was to recompile it using the source, and that was easy.
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Post by seanwg »

Ok thanks. Did that and Got everything installed now.
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Yellowdog upgrading

Post by edepot »

So can you provide a step by step instruction? Including locations of the downloads?
And steps to compile and install?

I believe you need to recompile to kernel to .21 (from .16) before you can install it?
Why can't yellowdog just released a version with both spe2.1 and the new kernel installed?
I think lots of people would rather wait for a release than going in the hacking up a new kernel because lots of things usually breaks, unless someone can provide step by step instructions. Even the Gentoo don't have memory stick support, and that is a showstopper. I don't know about ubuntu or others, but they need at least more support for that hardware than yellowdog before people will consider them. Getting wireless in the new yellowdog (without other features) is not worth the trouble upgrading, imo.

I think the RSX can be overclocked, you just need to twiddle some bits. I am not sure if the cell can be overclocked, but possible.
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Re: Yellowdog upgrading

Post by ldesnogu »

edepot wrote:So can you provide a step by step instruction? Including locations of the downloads?
And steps to compile and install?
Just retrieve libspe2.1 source package here http://www.bsc.es/plantillaH.php?cat_id=306.

Then it's pretty easy to compile, at least if you have enough experience to start programming with libspe :)
I believe you need to recompile to kernel to .21 (from .16) before you can install it?
Why can't yellowdog just released a version with both spe2.1 and the new kernel installed?
I think lots of people would rather wait for a release than going in the hacking up a new kernel because lots of things usually breaks, unless someone can provide step by step instructions. Even the Gentoo don't have memory stick support, and that is a showstopper. I don't know about ubuntu or others, but they need at least more support for that hardware than yellowdog before people will consider them. Getting wireless in the new yellowdog (without other features) is not worth the trouble upgrading, imo.
No you don't need a new kernel for libspe2.1 (perhaps for some of the advanced features but who cares at the moment?).
I think the RSX can be overclocked, you just need to twiddle some bits. I am not sure if the cell can be overclocked, but possible.
What does it have to do with the current subject?
And don't you think the ps3 already generates enough heat?
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Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 3:39 pm


Post by edepot »

I think I am confusing the topic of this thread with the spe version.

The following URL...
(anyone know all the commands to check the version on their ps3 to crosscheck with the versions listed in that url?)

states that the kernel needs to be .20 (I think .21 is in one of the newer ps3 linux
distributions? I forget which). I think I have the spe2-2.1, I followed the instructions
on a thread somewhere here, and I have the original YDL kernel (I think .16?).

In any case, isn't there any yellowdog people who is compiling the newer kernel with the sdk2.1? If they don't do it aren't there any people who has succeded in getting both .20 or .21 compiled working with sdk2.1 AND working with all the current hardware and accessories supported in PS3 in YDL? I believe the new Fedora6 has problems working with an important part of PS3. But since everything is open source, why hasn't anyone gone ahead and do a YDL version with the latest stuff working?

As for the RSX and CELL, isn't it true that if you increase the clock, you also increase
the speed of the spe, and thus any running programs? And since they are decoupled, the rsx can even be speeded up on demand, so it won't overheat. I am not sure, but
maybe the ps3 developers (in game companies), being able to control all aspects of
the hardware, can crank up the rsx speeds using overclocking during moments of
displaying high complexity when needed.

speeded up [/quote]
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