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Post by FreeFighter »

This is what you guys seem to have found:
Leaked test file suggests Sony could be lining up a whole host of interesting new features for PSP

14:10 A test PSP update file has shown up on the internet that includes web browsing, word processing, voice communication and music downloading software among its contents.
Apparently originating from a web domain owned by Sony itself, the file is not an official or final release. In fact, if you use it on your PSP at the moment it will corrupt your system, although the brave fellas over at Japanese website memopad.jp have photos and video footage of the installer running.

Rather than a final release, it seems that the file is a test-run for future software to be distributed by Sony to update the PSP's firmware, the programs embedded within the system that make it work. Electronic and computing companies use these files to fix bugs and keep their products up to date.

But most excitingly, the full contents of the update include web browsing software, e-mail, word processing, voice communication, scheduling, a text-to-speech application, a program that'd let you download and organise music with Sony's own SonicStage software, and three mysterious titles which could be new online games.

Now, before we get too excited, a little word of warning: this file could be a lot of things other than the real deal. It could just be a total fake. It could just be enthusiastic ambition from the guys responsible for testing PSP upgrades.

Sony has made no announcements about the file and was unavailable for comment at the time of press.

But if the file does hold clues as to what we can expect in the future from PSP, it would seem that Sony's plans for the system go farther beyond simply playing games than we expected. With web, word processing, scheduling and communications software, and with a little USB keyboard like the ones Sony showed at last year's E3 connected, the unit could almost double as a PDA.

The mention of SonicStage software is also encouraging for PSP owners who want to use their machine to download, organise and play music. This seems fairly believable, since it fits in nicely with Sony's convergence plans - the ability to share your music (and possibly video) files across your PSP, PS2 (and PS3) and PC.

Finally, from a purely gaming point of view this could mean that true online competition on the PSP is on the agenda. Third-parties are already working on ways to play online against other PSP owners via a PC, but, if valid, these developments could make that unnecessary.

Exciting, no? Just remember, at the moment all of these features are totally unconfirmed or endorsed by Sony itself, but we'll let you know as soon as any official announcements are made.

And while we're here, if you head over to Ronin no Sakurakai Softronics' website you can take a look at its iPSP program, which lets Macintosh owners easily back up game saves and transfer music, videos and photos from their Mac to their PSP. The software Sony supplies is principally designed to work with Windows, so this could be a life saver for Mac-heads everywhere.
Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com

Post by Guest »

Thanks for the information, but I would say we were long past that. ;)
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