wifi microcontroller for psp

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wifi microcontroller for psp

Post by pk_volt »

Hi everyone. My first post here.

anyways, after seeing someon controlling a robot with a psp, it really got me interested. I have experience with electronics and microcontrollers (specifically the 68Hc11). But I don't know much about wifi, but i guess I could do some research,

I was wondering if you guys have any knowledge in using the psp to communicate with a wifi-enabled microcontroller, and if so, provide any useful links/information. I've googled around, but couldn't really find much

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Post by alekz »


I also want to do a similiar project!
I think the simpliest will be to make a Serial port plug, and connect it to the microcontroller's UART (or SPI?? what you think?), then PSP sends commands to microcontroller over this channel and microcontroller drives motors (h-bridge or motor drivers, etc).

Here is the scheme (with two PSPs):

You => PSP => Wi-Fi => PSP => Serial Interface => Microcontroller

On the robot side you can use another PSP or any other device, for example like Gumstix which is a small SBC computer running Linux, some versions have Wi-Fi.

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Post by PspPet »

Some general advice/comments:
If you have a Wifi controlled robot (like an AIBO http://www.aibohack.com/psp/wifitest.htm ) using a PSP or other portable Wifi ready PDA is a great choice. In general I would recommend a PDA since it has a touch screen.
If starting something new, it may not be the best combination.

I don't know the value of using a PSP on the robot itself. There are cheaper and more flexible alternatives (like the recommended GumStix line), that have fully open and documented APIs (Linux in the case of GumStix)

WiFi is overkill for a simple robot. You can build something using a small 8 bit controller, programmed in assembler or basic. In that case I recommend a simple IR remote (the PSP can do that http://www.aibohack.com/psp/roboir.htm ), or a simple low power $20 RS-232 RF module (like the Linx modules)

In the middle is Bluetooth. The Lego NXT kit uses it. There are relatively cheap bluetooth boards. However controlling it can be a pain, and needs a bluetooth device or PC (ie. not a PSP option)

On the high end is WiFi. It is more expensive and power hungry. It makes sense if you need to transmit video from the robot to the controller (megabit or two per second). For regular robot control, a few hundred bits a second is usually fast enough.
If using WiFi and you want to write a PSP controller, I strongly recommend creating the control program on a PC first, using an access point. After that is rock solid, port it to the PSP.

A battery powered PSP connecting to a battery powered robot can be difficult. An access point on the same network and in the same room can help with radio connection.

The days of 68HC11 controllers are past. Small embedded controllers with megabytes of ROM and RAM, typically running Linux are getting cheaper all the time.
Good luck with whatever you decide.
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Post by TheRain »

If you really want to interface to an HC11 or any other microcontroller, the DPAC Airborn WiFi to serial modules are a good choice. http://www.sparkfun.com has them and a breakout board which will be necessary as the pins on the Airborn are very small otherwise. This is not a cheap part and will run you about $128 USD.

When using the Airborn with a Microcontroller, the basic process is, Microcontroller configures Airborn for Wifi connection over serial. Once configured, Airborn streams any Wifi packets over serial to the Microcontroller.
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