AVItoPMP (1.2.0): advanced tool for pmp video

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Post by k0nan »

No hurry here either. I went back to divx pmp's. I get 220fps encoding speed for divx vs 40fps encoding speed for AVC. 5x the speed > watching vids in the XMB. :)
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Post by TheKyro »


congrats to your great app, and yes if you still spend time on it, a quick update to be able to output MP4 AVC for 3.03 OE-B+ would be greatly appreciated

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Post by uNn99 »

Can anyone help in discovering parameters for mencoder to make a compatible video stream for 3.03 OE-B+ ? I've tried almost every option of −x264encopts but psp always says "uncompatible data" :( Audio stream is ok, because i tried to change my video stream with another one from working psp mp4 file and in this case video works w/o problems.
This is my current command line for mencoder:

Code: Select all

-ofps 30000/1001 -sws 9 -vf scale=480:272,harddup -ovc x264 -x264encopts bitrate=768:subq=1:me=dia:threads=auto:vbv_maxrate=4000:vbv_bufsize=128
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3.03 OE+ video compatibility

Post by Amiet01 »

Anyone any news on the XMB video stuff? How can I convert video's with AVItoPMP to 3.03 OE+ XMB video's? I want to do it with AVItoPMP because Xvid2PSP is very slow and if I want the same quality as with AVItoPMP it will take a hell long of a time.

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Re: 3.03 OE+ video compatibility

Post by J.F. »

Amiet01 wrote:Anyone any news on the XMB video stuff? How can I convert video's with AVItoPMP to 3.03 OE+ XMB video's? I want to do it with AVItoPMP because Xvid2PSP is very slow and if I want the same quality as with AVItoPMP it will take a hell long of a time.

Use 3GP instead with profiles for CF. You can find the latest of both in the first post of the thread here.
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Post by Amiet01 »

The reason I don't use 3GP is that it hasn't subtitle support and I want to be able to choose to crop the movie the way I want or to be able to have the same aspect ratio.
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Post by J.F. »

Amiet01 wrote:The reason I don't use 3GP is that it hasn't subtitle support and I want to be able to choose to crop the movie the way I want or to be able to have the same aspect ratio.
Well, you could always use AviSynth to handle the subs and cropping, and if the current 3GP ini script doesn't have a profile you like, add one of your own. It isn't tough, just SLIGHTLY more work on your part. The point is, by using an all-in-one app like xvid4psp, you're trading power and flexibility to convenience. Splitting all the encoding steps into manual operations puts the work on you, but the results can be better with less chance of crashes.

I never could get any version of xvid4psp to work on any PC I own. It would always crash on something. I currently just use GordianKnot to make the avs script, then run x264 in a shell, and use BeLight to encode the audio. It's more work, but it always works without a hitch and does exactly what I want.
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Post by Amiet01 »

And how do I mux the two seperate audio and video files? And let's say I want to convert the video, can I use the line from AVItoPMP to make an avi and encode the sound seperately? Then mux it with some kind of program? What program can I use for muxing (for XMB video 3.03 OE+)?

Sorry if my English is bad
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Post by J.F. »

Amiet01 wrote:And how do I mux the two seperate audio and video files? And let's say I want to convert the video, can I use the line from AVItoPMP to make an avi and encode the sound seperately? Then mux it with some kind of program? What program can I use for muxing (for XMB video 3.03 OE+)?

Sorry if my English is bad
PMPMod(AVC) muxer makes it easy... just keep opening audio files. :) Doing it with MP4 is a little more work... when using ffmpeg to generate the files you can specify multiple audio tracks with the -newaudio switch. Here's a thread on it. 3GP is pretty much just running ffmpeg and atomchanger for you. Most of the profile in 3GP is specifying the ffmpeg options, so I think you could set it there. I'll have to look into that a bit more.

Here's how I currently make PMPModAVC vids:
- Rip the DVD with DVDDecrypter
- Run GordianKnot
- Use GordianKnot to run DGIndex to make the d2v file
- Open the d2v file in GordianKnot. If I were converting AVIs, I would skip the above and just open the AVI in GordianKnot instead of the d2v.
- Use GordianKnot to set the clipping and scaling
- Be sure the "Use advanced SaveAVS window" option is set in the option tab, and click "Save & Encode" in the preview window. Make sure the deinterlacing method you wish to use (if any) is set and click "Save" to create the avs file.
- Quit GordianKnot and run BeLight to transcode the audio to MP3. PMPMod(AVC) requires the audio to be 44.1kHz sample rate, but otherwise, is not restricted. I use 128 or 192 kbps ABR (depending on how good I want the audio to sound with headphones), with the Dynamic Compression set to normal (or heavy if the audio has a particularly large dynamic range). You can make BeLight force the output sample rate to 44.1kHz in the Operational options "Other Settings".
- Run x264 to make the video file from the avs. I use the command lines shown below.
- Run pmp_muxer_avc_tk to get the GUI for selecting the video track, and one or more audio tracks.

Code: Select all

x264.exe --pass 1 --bitrate 750 -A all --level 3 --pictiming --aud --no-psnr --thread-input --progress --output NUL ep10.avs

x264.exe --pass 2 --bitrate 750 -A all --level 3 --pictiming --aud --no-psnr --thread-input --progress --output ep10.264 ep10.avs
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Post by Amiet01 »

But the whole thing is I want to play the video's fullscreen in XMB so I can't use PMPAVC muxer.


So what muxer can I use and how?
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Post by J.F. »

Amiet01 wrote:But the whole thing is I want to play the video's fullscreen in XMB so I can't use PMPAVC muxer.


So what muxer can I use and how?
Well, considering this thread is on AVItoPMP, you should probably ask that in a new thread separate from this one. Also, since it's not relly dev related, maybe make that thread in the General Discussion forum.
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Post by ColinZeal »

How about adding a feature that enables you to open a rar-file and encode an avi from there?
I´m so tired of unpacking 24 episodes of a series to encode them with this brilliant program.

Sure, it would take more encoding time but rather that than manually unpacking the files first.

Soooo how about it?
x264, save AR, Const.Qual, Q28, Use Sharp, SubQ 3, Use BeSweet bitrate 80 = Size/Qual Nirvana for me.
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Port AVItoPMP for Linux

Post by EyesKiller »

Hi uNn99,
your application uses mencoder. Mencoder is available in Linux so it would be easy to port AVItoPMP for Linux. So I would like to try to port if you could send me your source. It would be great if such a great program like yours is available for Linux. :) If you want to send the source to me, then pn me please so I'll give you my mail-adress.

cu Floh
PS: You did great work! Unfortunatelly it doesn't work with wine (~Windows Emulator under Linux) well. It only creates ...tmp.avi and ...mp3.avi, then it stops. (that is why I want to port).
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