an mc program installer

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an mc program installer

Post by ps2freak »


it is easy to make something which is on a cd-r and when i run it there comes a message wchich says "Program installed successful" and then alle the contents of a INSTALL Directory will be copy to my meroycard.

It is easy to make a program like this or not ?

Can someone explain me how can i extract the files in a -elf file ? I think an elf file is a packed file with the program right ?

hmm, i don't know how i can describe my problems. i have so many questions. my problem is, i don't know where i can start develop a simple programm which displays a text like "Hello world" and how i can convert the files into the format for a ps2 disc ?

thanks and sorry for the many questions.
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Post by blackdroid »

start with the tutorials and the "start here" button on, also check the examples that come with ps2sdk.
Kung VU
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Post by snyggebo »


@ps2freak (sorry for stealing your thread! )...

im new here and totally off when it comes to coding! but i would really like a simple installer that makes use of simple (install.cnf) files for example and then start the installation from the apps rootdir with the install.cnf in that root.

For example browse to mass:/installer and then start for example installer.elf
and then installer.elf reads install.cnf and for example overwrites mass0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF

This would be great since i have friends that wants to upgrade stuff on their memcards and really don't have a clue what they are doing!...

I should probably add that i'm using FCMB and have no modchip!

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Re: an mc program installer

Post by cosmito »

ps2freak wrote:Can someone explain me how can i extract the files in a -elf file ? I think an elf file is a packed file with the program right

A PS2 executable uses the ELF format but packing has nothing to do with it.

However, there is a homebrew packer that takes a regular PS2 ELF, packs it and generates another executable that once run, takes the previously packed binary, decrunches it and executes it. So, you can see this generated ELF as a sort of packed executable (a self-extracting executable). But a ELF produced by a compiler isn't packed, unless you pack it manually.
ps2freak wrote:hmm, i don't know how i can describe my problems. i have so many questions.
I suggest you to take you time and start looking at what's available : how to build the toolchain, the documentation, explore the examples and the sdk. This usually takes a lot of time for beginners, but it's a unavoidable path.
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