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PS2 Linux without kit

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:45 am
by dubb
This question has probably been asked but there so much irrelevant search results that I cant find my answer.

I have a playstation 2 (not the thin one)
I have the harddrive (I bought final fantasy and used the hardrive)
I have a usb keyboard
i have the audio video cable that came with the ps2

how can i install linux without having to buy the kit. yes i heard of black rhino but it says i need ps2 linux. is this distro only meant to be bought? why cant i just download an Iso of a linux distribution and install it?

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:27 am
by dubb
ok i did some more searching

this site has an opensource bootloader thank you, mega man.